Rule extraction from textual building regulations of the City of Vienna

November 23rd, 2021. 14:00 - 15:30 pm

Speaker: Eszter Iklódi

BRISE is part of the digitalization project of the City of Vienna, which aims to automatize the approval process of construction plans. Besides the main building regulations (Bauordnung) and the zoning plans (Flächenwidmungs- und Bebauungspläne), additional textual regulations (Textliche Bestimmungen) also apply, for which the approval process must be done manually. Our task is to extract construction rules from these textual documents and provide them in a human and machine-readable form to the proving software of the architects. In this talk, I will give an insight into the ongoing data annotation process, and I will give you a brief summary about the first approaches that have already been tried and some other approaches we are about to implement. I will also talk about the main challenges of the data and how we are trying to cope with them. As this research project is still in an initial state, you are more than welcome to give your feedback and propose some ideas that might be worth trying.

Location: Zoom